Bali Life Foundation

Challenges for volunteering in Bali Indonesia as a foreigners : Cultural Differences

I have had the privilege of working with volunteers from different parts of the world. One of the biggest challenges that foreign volunteers face when working in Bali is the cultural differences. Bali has a rich and unique culture that is very different from Western cultures. This can sometimes be overwhelming for foreigners, but it is essential to be respectful of local customs and traditions. In this blog, I will share my thoughts on the importance of cultural awareness when volunteering in Bali.

Bali is an island in Indonesia that is known for its beautiful beaches, lush, and vibrant culture. The Balinese people are deeply connected to their religion and traditions, and these customs play a significant role in their daily lives. As a foreigner volunteering in Bali, it is important to understand and respect these customs.

One of the most important things to remember when working in Bali is to dress modestly. The Balinese people are modest in their dress, and it is considered disrespectful to show too much skin. Women should cover their shoulders and wear a long skirt or pants, while men should wear long pants and a shirt. It is also important to remove shoes before entering a temple or a home.

Another aspect of Balinese culture that foreigners need to be aware of is the importance of family and community. The Balinese people are deeply connected to their families and communities, and this is reflected in their daily lives. As a volunteer, it is essential to show respect for this community-oriented culture and be willing to work closely with the local community.

One of the most significant cultural differences that foreigners face when working in Bali is the language barrier. Balinese is the local language, and while many people speak English, it can still be challenging to communicate effectively. It is a good idea to learn a few basic phrases in Balinese or Indonesian to show respect and build relationships with the local community.

It is also important to remember that religion plays a vital role in Balinese culture. The majority of the Balinese people practice a unique form of Hinduism that is different from the Hinduism practiced in India. Temples and religious ceremonies are an integral part of daily life in Bali, and it is essential to show respect for these traditions.

In conclusion, volunteering in Bali can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it is essential to be aware of the cultural differences. As a foreigner, it is important to be respectful of local customs and traditions and take the time to learn about them before you arrive. Dress modestly, show respect for family and community, and be willing to work closely with the local community. By doing so, you will build meaningful relationships and have a more fulfilling volunteering experience.