Bali Life Foundation

Indonesia’s Orphanage System

As a non-profit organization leader, I have seen and worked with orphanages and residential care facilities for children in Indonesia. And one thing that constantly bothers me is the inaccurate perception that many Westerners have about these institutions.

It seems that in the Western world, orphanages are generally viewed as negative and outdated institutions, relics of a time when society did not have the knowledge or resources to care for children in need. However, this perception is not entirely accurate, especially when it comes to the orphanage system in Indonesia.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that there are many good orphanages and residential care facilities in Indonesia, run by highly compassionate people who are passionate about providing the best possible care for the children they serve. Many of these institutions are partners of the Indonesian government, and they work closely with government agencies to ensure that children’s needs are met and that they receive appropriate care and education.

These orphanages are not just places for children to be abandoned or forgotten; they are often the only option available for children who have no family or whose families are unable to care for them. They provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can receive love, care, and education, and they work tirelessly to ensure that every child under their care has a bright future.

It is also important to note that the orphanage system in Indonesia exists because the government does not have a well-established foster care system yet. As a result, many children who cannot live with their biological families end up in orphanages.

This is not an ideal situation, but it is the reality of the current state of child welfare in Indonesia. However, the government and non-profit organizations are working to develop the foster care system in the country, and there is hope that in the future, fewer children will need to be placed in orphanages.

In conclusion, the perception that all orphanages in Indonesia are bad and outdated is simply wrong. While there are certainly some institutions that do not meet the standards of care that we would hope for, many orphanages and residential care facilities in Indonesia are doing an excellent job of caring for vulnerable children.

As a non-profit organization leader, I urge Westerners to seek out accurate information about orphanages and child welfare in Indonesia before forming an opinion. There is much work to be done to improve the lives of vulnerable children in the country, but we must start by recognizing the good work that is already being done and supporting those who are making a positive difference.