Bali Life Foundation

Trash Pickers in Bali

I have conducted research on the issue of trash pickers in TPA Suwung, Bali, Indonesia. I have come to the conclusion that there are many trash pickers working in this area due to a lack of economic opportunities and resources.

The job of a trash picker is extremely dangerous, not only for the workers themselves but also for their children who live in very poor conditions with high levels of air and water pollution. The children of trash pickers are often forced to work alongside their parents, further perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

According to data from the Bali Provincial Environment Agency, TPA Suwung receives an average of 2,000 tons of garbage per day. This overwhelming amount of waste is too much for the local government to handle, leading to the employment of many trash pickers in the area.

Unfortunately, the job of a trash picker is not only dangerous but also highly unregulated. Many of these workers are not provided with proper safety equipment, leading to increased health risks. Furthermore, the lack of regulation means that there is no formal training or education for these workers, leading to further dangers.

In addition to the physical dangers of the job, the children of trash pickers are also at risk. The poor living conditions in the area, combined with high levels of pollution, lead to numerous health risks, including respiratory problems and exposure to toxic chemicals.

Many of these children do not attend school, as their families are unable to afford the costs of education. This lack of education perpetuates the cycle of poverty, making it nearly impossible for these families to escape their current situation.

As a non-profit organization leader, I believe that it is our responsibility to take action and address the issue of trash pickers in TPA Suwung.

We must work with local governments to provide these workers with proper safety equipment and training. Additionally, we must provide resources for the children of trash pickers, including education and healthcare.

We must also work towards creating economic opportunities for these communities, so that they are not forced to rely on dangerous and unregulated jobs like trash picking.

In conclusion, the issue of trash pickers in TPA Suwung is a complex problem that requires immediate attention. As a society, we cannot turn a blind eye to the dangerous and unregulated working conditions that these individuals face, nor can we ignore the plight of their children who are exposed to various health risks.

It is imperative that we work together, as a global community, to provide resources and opportunities for these communities. This includes advocating for proper safety regulations and training, providing access to education and healthcare, and creating economic opportunities that enable these communities to thrive.

I am committed to addressing this issue and will continue to work towards creating positive change for the trash pickers and their families in TPA Suwung, Bali, Indonesia. We must act now to create a safer, healthier, and more equitable future for all.